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Engaged Athletics 5 E’s Philosophy

Be conscious of your actions, words, and thoughts. Elevate your performance both mentally and physically, but most importantly, be a great teammate, friend and team leader while maximizing your skills on and off the field. We encourage to use words that are uplifting and constructive to those around you.

Sports are just one small part of your life, and life is only significant when it becomes about others. Learn to sacrifice and lead with character. Help others by communicating, teaching, and encouraging them, and don't make excuses. Set a good example by helping set up for practice and take things down when practices are finished. 

Your team is relying on you to execute well. There is no room for apathy, slow execution, or poor sportsmanship. Arrive early to practices and games, and hustle from drill to drill. Listen with your eyes and ears to coaches and teammates. Remember, the subtle differences make all the difference. Prepare mentally before plays and games, and focus on the details of your position. 

Always be a student of the game. Push yourself to learn all that you can from your teammates and foster a mutually beneficial environment where they can learn from you. Talk with your team before each play on the field and help your teammates with techniques and situational awareness.

Be mindful of and evaluate your words and actions during practice, at games, and in your personal time. Be accountable for yourself and encourage others to help make you better in this process. After every play and at the end of each day, ask yourself, "What did I do well, and where can I improve both on and off the field?" Meet with your coach regularly to evaluate your progress in upholding their expectations.